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Photos of tarantulas
Some of these are pictures taken by me. If they are not, I have posted them with the owners permission, and posted their name as well.

This is Rose, my Chilean Rose hair tarantula.
Chilean Rose hairs make good starter tarantulas for anyone new to the hobby. They are easy to care for and are hardy captives. Rose hairs are well known for their docile temperment as well. They may not be really colorful like some tarantulas, but they are still beautiful to us die hard Rose Hair fans.
This is Scarlet, my Mexican Red Knee tarantula.
The Mexican Red Knee. Possibly the most beautiful tarantula around. This is my photo. Mexican Red Knees are fairly docile like the Rose hair, but they are more prone to hair kicking. Mexican Red Knees are no longer harvested from Mexico because the pet trade was threatening their numbers. They are now protected under the CITIES act.
This was the late Hiorshi. I still miss her.
Pinktoes are wonderful tarantulas. They are docile, although sometimes skittish. They can jump when frightened, and I have even heard of them projectile pooping on their owners who hold them. Ive never seen this happen, and I dont want to !

I do have a new pinktoe now, shes really very small still, and very cute. Her name is Tiny.