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Never heard of Neopets ?
What is neopets you ask ? It is a site where you can have your very own pet (up to four) to take care of ! I myself have four neopets, I have a Kau, a Acara, a Grundo and a Ixi.

If there is a pet you see but you dont like the color, no problem ! Simply change the color to your favorite when you are creating your own pet ! Neopets rule !

You can by items for your pet, like food, toys, grooming supplies, and weapon and defence items. YOu can fight your own neopet against other peoples neopets and even your own friends neopets !

These are just a few of the neopets you can create !

Here are some more !
Neopets has become a huge thing ! 44,164,981 people are using neopets today (although many people own more than one account) and there are 66,823,303 total pets in existance. Mine are Baby_Ferdinand, Fly_Guy_Comet, Little_Fawkner, and Little_Princess_Lacey.
Again, if you see a pet you like but dont like the color, you can opt to change the color when you are creating it. The options are blue, red, yellow and green.
More Neopets.
Did U know that U can have pets for your neopets ? Its true ! Your pet can have its very own pet called a petpet. There are many varieties. Just visit the site to see them all. They are very cute !
This is the last batch. There maybe new neopets to come in the future. We dont know. We hope so. There have been rumors......
This is a drawing I entered into the Neopets beauty contest.
Basically you enter your own drawing of a neopet. Winners usually get several thousand votes. Mine got 21. :(
Here is a outline drawing I did on Microsoft paint.
The below image is my creation, which I animated with Paint Shop Pro !
The above image is the finished copy. It got 3 votes. >:(